Thursday, 4 March 2010

Stealth Gear - Protecting the Wildlife they Photograph

Everyone is affected by crimes against wildlife. They damage the beauty of the world around us as well as endanger our natural resources. Offences range from poisoning birds of prey and removing wild plants from their native habitat to poaching and even badger baiting. Wildlife photography clothing specialists, Stealth Gear have generously sponsored Scottish wildlife crime officer Constable Craig Borthwick in a bid to protect the wildlife that is the subject of many of their photographs.

After discovering that PC Borthwick, sadly, has to deal with wildlife crime on regular basis, Stealth Gear provides him with the camouflage hide he needs to subtly patrol his wildlife beat. Primarily made for outdoor photography, the suits are a safe, practical way in which PC Borthwick can perform his duties without disturbing the wildlife he strives to protect.

By sponsoring the constable, Stealth Gear have a prime ‘test dummy’ when it comes to new trying new photography clothing products in the field. A spokesperson for the company said ‘PC Borthwick encounters similar and sometimes more demanding situations to which our consumers will be placed under, it is useful to have a-non photographer opinion on the endurance quality of the product as well as the practicality’

PC Borthwick happily endorses the range that Stealth Gear provides; “I require equipment and clothing that is built to last, can handle a wide variety of testing terrains and protects me from the elements to allow me to concentrate on the demands of my job. I’ve used Stealth Gear camouflage hides for some time now in operational and protracted situations.”

The importance of using camouflage hides whilst practising outdoor photography benefits both the surrounding wildlife and yourself. By disappearing, you are protecting yourself from wildlife predators, and more curious animals in which your presence may upset their natural routine. You can allow the wildlife to continue naturally around you, which, as an outdoor photographer, is the initial intention for each photograph.

The constable has provided Stealth Gear with honest reviews of their outdoor photography clothing collection available to read on their website at For more information on the products, or to become a distributer, contact the company via telephone on O845 652 0034 or email on

About Stealth Gear
If you are looking for professional outdoor photography clothing and accessories that can match your experiences as a photographer or outdoor enthusiast then look no further. Stealth Gear products are carefully designed by photographers for photographers. The firm is totally committed to delivering quality and will cut no corners to achieve their goal. They achieve this by working with the best suppliers, the most outstanding materials and by having our products challenged and tested under the most demanding conditions by professional photographers. With all this in mind they are confident they are able to achieve the very highest standards in fit, functionality and durability.

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