Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Photography Vests – The Ultimate Companion Clothing System?
Part of the review by David Clapp, an industry renowned photographer and photojournalist, is available on ephotozine, where Mr. Clapp admits to being initially apprehensive in discussing the photography vest. However, any preconceptions were quickly eradicated with the look of the vest as well as its performance.
Craig Derbyshire, managing director of Stealth Gear which specialises in photographers suits, said, “We are really happy with this review and are extremely honoured to have David review not only one of our personal favourites but a product that also happens to be one of our best-sellers.”
Mr. Clapp’s review takes a thorough look at various aspects of the Stealth Gear photography vest, including the materials, durability and the general effectiveness and benefits of the vest.
Mr. Derbyshire added, “David’s review was objective and insightful and I’m certain that wildlife photography enthusiasts will appreciate the review just as much as the Stealth Gear team does.”
More information regarding the range of photography vests available from Stealth Gear can be found on their website at http://www.stealth-gear.com. The firm can also be followed on Twitter: http://twitter.com/StealthGearUK.
About Stealth Gear: If you are looking for Professional Outdoor Photography clothing and accessories that can match your experiences as a photographer or outdoor enthusiast then look no further. Stealth Gear products are carefully designed by photographers for photographers, making sure with our added features and thought we produce quality items at affordable prices.
Stealth Gear has come to realise the shortage of outdoor photography accessories and endeavour to design a wide range of high quality affordable products. They listen to their customer’s feedback and are constantly coming up with new ideas. Stealth Gear is totally committed to delivering quality and will cut no corners to achieve their goal. They achieve this by working with the best suppliers, the most outstanding materials and by having our products challenged and tested under the most demanding conditions by professional photographers. With all this in mind they are confident they are able to achieve the very highest standards in fit, functionality and durability.
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
First Full Professional Review For Stealth Gear Extreme Photographers Suit
Stealth Gear, the expert providers of outdoor photography clothing and wildlife photography hides are celebrating after their first ever professional review written by the industry renowned Laurie Campbell, went down a storm when he reviewed their revolutionary extreme photographers suit.
The photographer who has contributed to various television and radio programmes, and who has authored two books including ‘The Wildlife Photographs of Laurie Campbell’ and the bestselling ‘RSPB Guide to Bird & Nature Photography’, was approached by Outdoor Photography Magazine to review the Stealth Gear photographers suit as a unique project.
Craig Derbyshire, managing director of Stealth Gear who specialise in photographers suits, said, “Laurie Campbell has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to wildlife photography and although he has never been approached to write a review on outdoor photography clothing before, he brought his own personal experiences into the fold when reviewing our item, which was great.”
During a vigorous waterproofing test carried out by Laurie in which he subjected the suit to the bathroom shower which was set to cold, Laurie commented on how the extreme photographers suit ‘performed well with no ingress of water to the insides. At room temperature, the clothing was perfectly dry inside for hours.’
Priced at just £329.95, the extreme photographers suit was certainly out through its paces by Laurie who tested the breathability of the suit, its ability to offer extra protection on the shoulders, elbows, knees and seat, and the suits use of storage pockets which were referred to as ‘amazing’.
Mr Derbyshire from the firm who specialise in wildlife photography hides added, “Laurie was really impressed with the amount of pockets the suit had and their ability to store all of the necessary photographer equipment needed whilst on a project. He found that they can easily accommodate the likes of a 70-200mm f2.8 zoom or a rolled-up sheet of camouflaged scrim netting with a similar volume to that of a bag of sugar, which is a unique selling point to this item.
“We were extremely pleased with this glowing review and we are honoured that Laurie took the time to review one of our most popular items.”
For more information on the extreme photographers suit, please visit the Stealth Gear website at www.stealth-gear.com or to read Laurie’s review in full, please visit http://www.stealth-gear.com/photographers/laurie-campbell/70-laurie-campbell-review-of-stealth-gear-extreme-photographers-suit.html
About Stealth Gear
If you are looking for Professional Outdoor Photography clothing and accessories that can match your experiences as a photographer or outdoor enthusiast then look no further.
Stealth gear products are carefully designed by photographers for photographers, making sure with our added features and thought we produce quality items at affordable prices.
Stealth gear has come to realise the shortage of outdoor photography accessories and endeavour to design a wide range of high quality affordable products. They listen to their customer’s feedback and are constantly coming up with new ideas. Stealth Gear is totally committed to delivering quality and will cut no corners to achieve their goal. They achieve this by working with the best suppliers, the most outstanding materials and by having our products challenged and tested under the most demanding conditions by professional photographers. With all this in mind they are confident they are able to achieve the very highest standards in fit, functionality and durability.
New Video, Catalogue, DVD and Fabric Samples From Stealth Gear
In this online age, many people use the internet as a resource when making purchases. Company websites can be used for information and research and now, Stealth Gear, the wildlife photography clothing experts have added a great informative video to their website demonstrating the unique features of their dedicated photography clothing.
Stealth Gear specialise in wildlife photography clothing and wildlife watching supplies. Their Extreme Photographers Suit has been designed by photographers for photographers and comes in a four piece modular format. The company who specialise in outdoor photography clothing have now hosted a video on their excellent website demonstrating each of the components of their photographers suit and the various features of the fleece, jacket, vest and trousers.
Craig Derbyshire, managing director of Stealth Gear who specialise in photographers suits, said, “We were keen to add some interactivity to our site so customers could see the benefits and features of our photographers suit. For anyone looking to buy wildlife watching supplies they can now see our Extreme Photographers Suit via the video on our site and this provides much more information than simply hosting a few pictures of what our photographers clothing looks like.”
Not only have Stealth Gear made a video demonstrating their photographers suit, but they have also gone a step further by making both a DVD and fabric samples of the suit available to potential customers.
Mr Derbyshire added, “Customers can order a free Stealth Gear catalogue via our website. By completing some basic information including name and address we can send out our full colour catalogue which contains lots of information and pictures Mr Derbyshire added, “Customers can order a free Stealth Gear catalogue via our website. By completing some basic information including name and address we can send out our full colour catalogue which contains lots of information and pictures about our various wildlife watching accessories and dedicated photography clothing.”
Stealth Gear will also include both a DVD and some fabric samples of their Extreme Photographers Suit with the catalogue when requested online.
The video has provided to be extremely popular as it provides a full explanation of all the features and benefits of the clothing. Stealth Gear has also hosted the video on their channel on the popular website YouTube and so it is possible to view the full professionally made film on that site.
To watch the Stealth Gear film visit their website at www.stealth-gear.com or on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/user/StealthGearUK
About Stealth Gear
If you are looking for Professional Outdoor Photography clothing and accessories that can match your experiences as a photographer or outdoor enthusiast then look no further.
Stealth Gear products are carefully designed by photographers for photographers, making sure with our added features and thought we produce quality items at affordable prices.
Stealth Gear has come to realise the shortage of outdoor photography accessories and endeavour to design a wide range of high quality affordable products. They listen to their customer’s feedback and are constantly coming up with new ideas. Stealth Gear is totally committed to delivering quality and will cut no corners to achieve their goal. They achieve this by working with the best suppliers, the most outstanding materials and by having our products challenged and tested under the most demanding conditions by professional photographers. With all this in mind they are confident they are able to achieve the very highest standards in fit, functionality and durability.
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Stealth Gear Support The Fight Against Wildlife Crime
Wildlife crime is a serious issue in the UK. Putting the tag of ‘wildlife’ onto it does in no way lessen the offences being committed. Crime is crime, committed by criminals and therefore it's the duty first and foremost of the Police to investigate and bring the offenders to the courts. Stealth Gear, the wildlife photography clothing experts are proud to sponsor PC Craig Borthwick, a Wildlife Crime Officer with Strathclyde Police.
Constable Borthwick is based in the East End of Glasgow. His regular beat extends to well over a hundred square miles and with a population of more than 330,000 people he is sadly dealing with crimes against wildlife on a regular basis. These range from badger baiting and deer coursing to offences against SSSI’s and building development crimes.
Craig said, “I can easily go from a morning spent tracking local urban deer or visiting badger setts to spending an afternoon on a building site with developers looking at bat roosts or nesting sites.”
Stealth Gear specialise in wildlife photography clothing and outdoor photography clothing and this specialist gear is perfect for the job of a Wildlife Crime Officer.
Craig Derbyshire, managing director of Stealth Gear who specialise in photographers suits, said, “Craig requires equipment and clothing that is built to last, can handle a wide variety of testing terrains and protects him from the elements to allow him to concentrate on the demands of his job. He has used Stealth Gear photography hides for some time now in operational and protracted situations and so we are delighted to sponsor him and provide him with speciality wildlife photography clothing.”
A huge part of Craig’s role is the education of others, particularly the young, with regards to the offences carried out against wildlife. He achieves this through his work as a Duke of Edinburgh’s Award leader, leading field trips and expeditions throughout the wildlife hotspots of Scotland. In August 2009 Craig was awarded the joint DEFRA and Partnership for Action against Wildlife crime (PAW) certificate of merit in recognition of his ‘outstanding contributions to wildlife law enforcement’.
PC Borthwick added, “First impressions are important and I wasn’t disappointed when I opened up my new Stealth Gear Extreme Photographers Suit. Let’s be honest, clothing like this for most of us is about a lot more than just looking the part. Its primary role is functionality and the terrific Stealth Gear outdoor photography clothing really looks and feels the part.”
About Stealth Gear
If you are looking for Professional Outdoor Photography clothing and accessories that can match your experiences as a photographer or outdoor enthusiast then look no further. |